How to make others love you
Having friends around us that we can rely on from time to time is one of the most valuable things in life. Since every work requires its own science, etiquette and socializing also have their own science, by observing which we can easily make others fall in love with us. The following article tries to express small but valuable points that by following them you can make others depend on you and love you.
1. In order to make others fall in love with us, we have to give up three things!

Stubbornness, pride and shame! These three things do not allow you to freely express yourself as you are. As long as you are worried about your appearance and the reaction and opinion of others, you are hiding your true self. Accept yourself as you are. When you accept yourself as you should be, others will accept you as you are. When you reject yourself, you also reject life. Express yourself with a pure heart. In such a state, we get along with everyone and can easily make others fall in love with us.
2. Pay attention to the blessings of our life to make others fall in love with us
When you pay attention to the blessings in your life, you subconsciously want happiness and success for others. You unconditionally praise the goodness, beauty and intelligence of others. You praise life, even during difficulties and failures! You feel relaxed, even in the presence of people who cause trouble! You also have a positive effect on such people! By observing this small but key point, we can easily win the hearts of our neighbors. Make others fall in love with you and influence them.
3. Humor and games are Kimia's phone!

Do not neglect humor! Humor is alchemy. It is humor that transforms our lives. By doing this, we can easily make others fall in love with us. When you laugh like an innocent child, your body and soul heal. How many times have you laughed today? Laugh to your heart's content every day without exception. If you can look at the events of your life with a sense of humor, then you can overcome all difficulties with a smile. In such a situation, others will face you with a smiling face and fall in love with you.
4. In order to make others fall in love with us, we should learn to talk instead!
Instead of talking nonsense, be silent! Speak when you have something to say! Don't talk in vain! Instead of constantly thinking, be in tune with your feelings. Whether in difficulties or in moments of comfort. Be open and wait! Trust and don't decide! It is in such conditions that we can easily make others fall in love with us.
5. Be receptive to changes

Always welcome changes! There has even been a change in hairstyle, color and fashion of clothes. Because the transformation refreshes you, who are trapped in your old mentality! It can be a bit difficult to switch and change. Especially changing others' views and mental patterns. Our positive transformation gives courage to others. By doing this, we can easily make others fall in love with us.
God has set nature as our model. The change of seasons, the change of leaves, flowers, animals, the mystical glory of the clouds, the sky, the moon, the sun, the earth, the mountains and the seas. At the very moment we are talking, everything is changing. Even if you have pain and sorrow today, you should know that these will not remain the same forever. Even your happiness today is not fixed. Instead of clinging to what is in front of you and instead of wishing to keep them, live the present moment to the fullest. Transformation is nothing but a process in which we constantly change ourselves and move forward. When we bravely face the challenge of transformation and are not afraid of it, we move forward with confidence as much as possible. It is in such a state that we easily make others fall in love with us.
6. Say something that you will act on
It has always been said that talking is easy and action is difficult. We talk easily. We make promises to others, but when it comes to action, we compromise or leave the job half-done. These are things that will cause others to disperse from around us. Talk frankly with the people you relate to. Do not promise to do something you cannot do. In such a state, we can easily make others fall in love with us.
How to get into a romantic relationship
7. Forgive yourself and accept the forgiveness of others

Do you enjoy giving a gift to someone? Undoubtedly, forgiveness is a virtue. However, think for a moment! Do you feel uncomfortable when you ask someone for help? Or when you take something from someone? Or don't you want to bother someone when they pay attention to you and feel sorry for you? Maybe your pride doesn't allow you to take anything from anyone or you don't like to rely on others! Are you embarrassed or don't want to burden others? But if the situation is like this, then how will you feel when you are giving someone a gift, showing affection to someone, expressing your love, but he does not accept your gift? He rejects your affection and ignores your expressions of love. Or if he accepts these, he accepts them with a feeling of doubt and dissatisfaction.
Giving and receiving, fear and acceptance, forgiveness and receiving forgiveness are both equally virtuous and valuable! Accepting and receiving with a feeling of gratitude brings happiness, both for you who receive and for the one who gives.
8.In order to make others fall in love with us, we have no choice but to hold grudges!
If there is someone you cannot forgive or are unable to forgive, then know that you will never taste freedom. You cannot know the huge current of life. Because the great source of life is love. A love that is strengthened by unconditional forgiveness. The issue is not that there is anyone who cannot be forgiven! The issue is not that there is anything that cannot be forgiven! It's not that there is something in you that you can never forgive yourself for! The point is that you don't allow forgiveness. This is what prevents you from being loved by others. Whether we want it or not, by forgiving, we remove fear and worry from our minds, and this also makes it easy for us to make others fall in love with us.

when you get angry; When you want to blame someone; When you feel hopeless; All these times and situations provide the best opportunity for you to experience unconditional forgiveness! So be open to everything in your life. This is how we humans can easily make others fall in love with us. Forgiveness from the heart heals all the emotional wounds of you and others. Forgiveness is magic, it is a miracle. It is forgiveness that turns despair into hope and joy.
in the end
Sometimes you bake a cake and brew fragrant and colorful tea! You throw a party and invite some of your friends and with these little excuses you make a memorable night. How good and wonderful these periods are! If you look at your life in this way, you will realize that it is you who let everything into your life.
Ask yourself what are you inviting into your life? According to the law of existence, whatever you invite into your life will accept your invitation and come. Invite anyone you want. comes! Invite any event you want. comes! Anything you like! According to the law of existence, you can invite what you need into your life. What is useful for you. What is yours.
You might say that I'm trying hard to improve my relationship with someone, but I'm getting nothing but the distance between us. You might say that I try my best to succeed, but I don't get results and I keep getting disappointed. You may be the cause of all this! For example, because there is fear and anxiety sitting in the depths of your mind, you allow fearful, chaotic and worrying situations into your life. In order to invite the things you really love into your life, look carefully at what you have in your mind!
Since every job requires its own science, etiquette and socializing also have their own science, by observing which we can easily make others fall in love with us.
No, having pride does not allow you to show yourself to others as you are, and this makes people not feel good about you.
By being humorous, you will have the ability to make the other person laugh and smile, and in this way, the other person will feel happy with you, and this will help you a lot to make the other person fall in love with you.
Yes, when you make a promise to the other party and keep it, you will realize that you value him and this will gradually create a feeling of love and then falling in love with the person related to you. Be careful not to make promises that you cannot fulfill.